Attendance and Punctuality including Times of the School Day
Attendance and Punctuality are both high priorities at Farnborough Road Infant School. Children in the UK have a right, by law, to attend school and it is the parents responsibility to ensure they attend.
Good attendance is directly related to good progress and attainment and good progress and attainment impacts directly on life choices. Please give your child the best start in their educational journey. Please aim for 100% attendance.
95% attendance or above will have a very positive effect on your child- anything less will have a negative effect. Having 85% attendance in each of the 7 primary school years is the equivalent of a child missing one whole school year!
Holidays in term time can NOT be authorised by a Headteacher, even for Nursery children who are below statutory school age. Ofsted will expect a Headteacher to be applying the same expectations for good attendance to the Nursery children as for Reception , Year 1 and Year 2. Please check the dates of the school terms carefully and arrange holidays and appointments out of school time. Only urgent dentist or doctors appointments should be made during the school day.
It is also important to be punctual as the classroom doors open at 8.45am, close at 8.55am and the gates will be locked at 9am so that it is safe for all children in school to play outside. If children arrive late for school they will be required to sign in at the school office and this will disturb the rest of the class who have already started their learning.
Attendance and punctuality is monitored weekly by the Headteacher. Poor punctuality and attendance will be challenged.