Farnborough Road Infant School Nursery.

Give your child the very best start to their education.
Nursery Sessions:
Caterpillar Class 2 Year Old Offer
16 children can be admitted to our 2 year old provision in First Steps Family Wellbeing Centre in the term following their second birthday in a purpose built room designed with both an indoor and outdoor space . Children admitted can receive 15 hours of free early education per week for up to 38 weeks of the year if they meet certain eligibility criteria. Allocation of a free place will be checked by Sefton.
From April 2024, eligible working parents of 2-year-olds will be able to access 15 hours childcare support.
From September 2025, eligible working parents with a child from 9 months old up to school age will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare a week.
Request for admission to the 2 year old provision as a paid place can to be made to Farnborough Road Infant School. Sessions are £18 per session. Admission to the 2 Year old provision will not guarantee a place in Reception in Farnborough Road Infant School.
Nursery Admissions
90 free nursery places are available for any child in the term following their third birthday in our spacious Nursery building. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Admission to Farnborough Road Infants Nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception.
Parents are welcome to call into the Infant school office to put their child’s name down for a Nursery place following their child’s first birthday.
For our 3 and 4 year olds we offer:
30 hours free nursery education Butterflies class
8.50-3.10pm Monday to Friday
15 hours free nursery education Ladybirds
8.50am-3.10pm Mon & Tues & 8.50-11.15am Wed
OR 12.30-3.10pm Wed & 8.50am-3.10pm Thurs & Fri
Please contact school if you would like to add additional hours?
Would you like to top your 15 hours up to 30 hours?
OR Would you like to make your 2 ½ days, 3 full days or 4 full days by adding an additional Wednesday morning or afternoon or another day?
We can also provide wrap around care from 7.45am till 6pm.
Reasons to choose our school nursery:
Your child…………
- Will be taught by a qualified teacher with excellent knowledge of the Early Years Curriculum and how children learn
- Will enjoy a carefully planned creative curriculum enhanced by other professionals; sports coaches, theatre visits, dance teachers
- Will enjoy a high quality Nursery environment
- Will make excellent progress and be ready for starting school
- Will be taught consistent rules and expectations for school
- Will use and be familiar with the school’s excellent facilities
- Will be part of our whole school community celebrating events;
Arts Week, Concerts, Whole school picnics, Easter and Summer Fairs