Science Lead- Miss Sykes
Science Curriculum
At Farnborough Road Infant School we are super scientists! We want all our children to love science. We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be teachers, doctors, dentists, forensic scientists, chemical engineers, medical researchers, toxicologists, microbiologists, environmental scientists and astronauts- careers that are out of this world!
Science helps us gain an understanding of the world around us. We aim to stimulate our children’s curiosity and creative thoughts. We want to give them the confidence and skills to ask questions and investigate the wonders of our world and beyond. We will help our children learn the importance of how to care for, and respect, ourselves and our planet.
Curriculum Intent
Our science curriculum promotes curiosity and empowers our children to become independent and resilient learners.
The FRIS science curriculum not only meets National Curriculum requirements but will provide memorable science lessons that will develop their science capital and prepare them for the next stage in their education.
Children will have first hand Science experiences from the very start of their Science journey. From when our children venture into our school they will explore materials, plants, weather and seasons, animals and human beings. This is achieved through a range of play, planned experiences, investigation stations, individual interests and incidental events eg snowy days, rainbows, reflecting light on the ceiling, a conker or sycamore seed found in the garden, dew on spider's webs, a red sky in the morning.
Curriculum Implementation
The science curriculum has carefully planned learning opportunities which ensure in each year group there is a progression of skills, vocabulary, understanding and knowledge.
The highlight of year is our annual Science Week. Visiting scientists inspire our children and increase their Scientific knowledge. At the Wild Workshops children interacted with a range of local wildlife, increasing their knowledge about their habitats, life cycles and behaviour. The interactive Travelling Science Show conducted by Adrian Bowden wowed our children with his range of exciting experiments reinforcing their understanding of the vocabulary of fair test, prediction, observation and conclusions. It was crunch time with the biscuit experiment when children were asked to predict which one would dissolve first? Nice, Pink Wafer, Bourbon- what do you think?
Curriculum Impact
We strive for every child to achieve their full potential in science, develop a love and respect of the world around them, be ready for their next stage in learning and inspire aspirations for the future career paths.
At Farnborough Road Infant School, we are Super Scientists!