Christmas Concerts
The children excelled themselves this year during our Christmas Concert season.
Farnborough Road Infant School gave a total of 11 performances, including concerts for parents and in the community. Well done everyone!
Our three Nursery class, Butterflies, Ladybirds and Bumblebees enchanted the parents and grandparents with their Christmas songs and rhymes. "Jack Frost" is always a favourite, along with "When Santa got stuck up the chimney" and "Five little snowmen". The children looked adorable in their Christmas outfits.
Reception children gave two fabulous performances of "Little Blue Star". We had very confident narrators and wonderful singing from all the children. This concert is a lovely story about how we are all different and all special. Our young 4 and 5 year olds did so well to stand up in front of a very big audience. They were all stars!
Year 1 children performed "The Nativity" beautifully. Wonderful singing throughout, the children clearly enjoyed themselves. We had superb musicians accompanying the singing and providing atmospheric music. Year 1 children also took their concert into the local community, performing an evening show at Dobbies in front of another huge audience. Well done children.
"Born in a Barn" was the title of the Year 2 Christmas concert. This was the Nativity story from the animals point of view. The children performed this at Liverpool Road Methodist Church, down the road from school. It was like watching a west end show! Wow! We have very confident actors, speakers, singers, musicians and dancers. Our older children, still only 6 or 7 years old, were able to inject humour into their performance. They were all amazing!
A selection of Year 2 children also sang at the Christmas Tree Festival at St. John's Church on Saturday. A big thank you to the parents for bringing their children along to this on a busy Saturday morning.
Thanks go to all the very hard working staff at Farnborough Road Infants for putting these performances together within two weeks. We don't over-rehearse our young children and continue to teach the full curriculum at the same time. Well done everyone.